2 SE Saddlebrooke
Pinal County
2:06 PM
Lat Lon Map: 32.51N 110.88W
Flash Flood
Trained spotter reports Saddlebrook Wash is bank full
Pima County
2:20 PM
Lat Lon Map: 32.24N 110.94W
Thunderstorm Wind Damage
Tweet posted on twitter reporting down power poles at Park and Fair.
2 NE Apache Junction
Pinal County
2:35 PM
Lat Lon Map: 33.43N 111.52W
Thunderstorm Wind Damage
Law enforcement reported trees down near Cortez Rd and Teepee Street.
1 WSW Lost Dutchman State Park
Pinal County
2:45 PM
Lat Lon Map: 33.45N 111.50W
Thunderstorm Wind Damage
Department of Highways reported power poles down near mile marker 200 on Highway 88.
5 NW Saguaro National Park
Pima County
2:55 PM
Lat Lon Map: 32.24N 110.79W
Flash Flood
Trained spotter reported flash flooding near Speedway and Harrison Road. Water flowing through nearby washes that feed into the Tanque Verde River.
2 N Grand Canyon Village
Coconino County
3:00 PM
Lat Lon Map: 36.08N 112.15W
Flash Flood
Canyon District rangers reported flash flooding of Garden Creek along Bright Angel Trail. Trail washed out. 8 to 10 feet deep (estimated) in spots. Debris and washouts between the Three Mile Resthouse and Phantom Ranch. Rangers temporarily closed sections of the trail near Indian Gardens until flows subsided in the creek. No injuries were reported. All trails are open.