Storm Report - January 21, 2012

Leupp, AZ
2:04 PM
Lat Lon Map: 35.29N 110.96W
Non-Thunderstorm Wind Gust: 70 mph wind gust reported in Leupp by a Mesonet automated weather station.

Wupatki National Monument, AZ
2:12 PM
Lat Lon Map: 35.54N 111.54W
Non-Thunderstorm Wind Gust: 59 mph wind gust reported in Wupatki, according to a remote automated weather station (RAWS).

Linden, AZ
2:21 PM
Lat Lon Map: 34.29N 110.16W
Non-Thunderstorm Wind Gust: 69 mph wind gust reported in Linden by a Mesonet automated weather station.

Two Guns, AZ
2:22 PM
Lat Lon Map: 35.12N 111.09W
Non-Thunderstorm Wind Gust: A Mesonet automated weather station recorded a 71 mph wind gust at the I-40 at Two Guns.

Winslow Airport, AZ
4:16 PM
Lat Lon Map: 35.03N 110.72W
Non-Thunderstorm Wind Gust: A Mesonet automated weather station recorded a 59 mph wind gust at the Winslow Airport.

Fraziers Well, AZ
4:27 PM
Lat Lon Map: 35.78N 113.07W
Non-Thunderstorm Wind Gust: A Mesonet automated weather station recorded a 61 mph wind gust at Fraziers Well.

Source: National Weather Service

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